Saturday, December 5, 2009

Him to the American subsidiary of a Japanese plastics combine. At the time he felt fortunate; the ratio of applicants to indentured trainees was enormous. For three years he lived with his cadre in.

Past it. "You make these new silences . . . very interesting. " She pushed my hand aside kissed me warmly. Then she slid from my bed and began to dress briskly. I arose moving more slowly. She glanced over at me her face full of love. "I'll go alone. It's safer. We should not be seen together. " "Someday.
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Across the Ninsei pavement and somehow she'd been singled out for him one face out of the dozens who stood at the consoles lost in the game she played. The expression on her face then had been the one he'd seen hours later on her sleeping face in a port side coffin her upper lip like the line children draw to represent a bird in flight. Crossing the arcade to stand beside her high on the deal he'd made he saw her glance up. Gray eyes rimmed with smudged black paintstick. Eyes of some animal pinned in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. Their night together stretching into a morning into tickets at the hover port and his first trip across the Bay. The rain kept up falling along Harajuku beading on her plastic jacket the children of Tokyo trooping past the famous boutiques in.
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